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Didn't Pay Your State Taxes? Your Driver's License May Be Suspended

by Eli Moore Westchester and New York City Traffic

driver's license suspension

If you're behind on paying your New York State taxes, you may be surprised to find out that you may be in danger of losing your driving privileges.

In 2013, a joint effort was made between the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance and the New York Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), with a plan to revoke the driving privileges of New York residents who have tax debts.

The New York State Driver's License Suspension program specifies that if a resident has amassed more than $10,000 in unpaid state taxes, penalties, or interest, he or she may receive a letter from state officials (called a Notice of Proposed Driver's License Suspension Referral), stating that he or she will have 60 days to respond and arrange a plan for reimbursement. If the tax department does not receive a response within 75 days of mailing the notice, it will refer the taxpayer's information to the DMV for license suspension. When the DMV receives the referral, it will send a 15-day notice to the taxpayer and include the effective date that the individual's driver's license will be suspended.

If you live in Westchester County or New York City and have received a notice of proposed driver's license suspension and need assistance, please call Traffic Attorney Eli Moore at (914) 523-5552 or write for a free consultation.

Please visit to learn more about how Westchester's top traffic and DWI attorney can help you. Follow him on Twitter @EliMooreLaw and on Facebook @EliMooreTrafficAttorney.

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