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by Eli Moore Traffic Attorney

Eli Moore Traffic Attorney School Zone Traffic Laws

The roads surrounding school buildings, considered school zones, typically have reduced speed limits to ensure the safety of students. Heavy speeding fines will be imposed if you ignore those speed limits

Speed limits in school zones can vary, although the lowest speed limit that is allowed in New York is 15 miles per hour. It can extend about a quarter of a mile away from the school.

Fines for driving over the speed limit vary, depending on how fast you're going over the speed limit:

  • Driving 10 mph or less over the speed limit in a school zone can lead to a fine of $60-$200.

  • Driving more than 10 mph but less than 30 mph over the speed limit in a school zone can lead to a fine of $120-$400 or 15 days in jail or both.

  • Driving 30 mph or more over the school zone speed limit can lead to a $240-$800 fine, 30 days in jail or both.

Speed Cameras are now set up throughout New York to photograph speeding vehicles in school zones. In cases of a speed camera violation, the registered owner of the car (not necessarily the driver) will have to pay a $50 fine or dispute the tickets within 30 days. However, there are no points associated with speed camera violations. These speed cameras are operated an hour before and after school, and 30 minutes before or after a weekend activity. Do not fall prey to school zone speed cameras by ensuring that you drive under the speed limit in a school zone.

Be sure to read my blog post about double parking in a school zone by going to:

And if you need to consult with an experienced traffic attorney to fight traffic tickets in Westchester County or New York City, email Eli Moore at or call (914) 725-0028 for a free consultation.

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